The data provided are in good faith and while every care has been taken in preparing these prediction systems, IHCantabria and BiMEP S. A. give no warranties of whatever nature in respect of these information, including but not limited to the accuracy or completeness of any information or facts contained therein. IHCantabria and BiMEP S. A., their directors and employees, cannot be held liable for the use of and reliance of the estimates and forecasts in this system.
The information provided on this section may not be used, published or redistributed without including the following reference:
Metocean Prediction System for BiMEP test site, July 2017, Produced by IHCantabria and BiMEP S. A. in the framework of TRL+ project.
Wind/currents/waves direction is measured in degrees clockwise from due north.
Wind/waves direction provided is the direction from which the wind/waves come (0: coming from the NORTH; 90: coming from the EAST)
Currents direction provided is the direction towards which the currents go (0: going to the NORTH; 90: going to the EAST)